Registry Real Talk: What Items to Skip

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Jaimie Fender, Portland, Ore.-based attorney; married Aug. 27, 2011

Seasonal items: “I got married in the summer, so I registered for a lot of stuff like portable outdoor furniture, outdoor plasticware (margarita glasses, pitcher, etc.) and a small hibachi grill. But now that we have a new house, I wish we had a real patio set and more fine china, and we have a large outdoor barbecue, so the grill just sits in our garage.”

Yael Natori, New York-based teacher, tutor and blogger; married June 16, 2007

Fancy Tableware: “[My] not-so-useful stuff has been the fancy plates, serving dishes and utensils, and wine glasses. Who wants to hand-wash crystal? I don’t, so we don’t use it! Anything ‘special occasion’ just doesn’t jive with our non-entertaining days and small space.”

Abby Reid, Tulsa-based accountant, married April 17, 2010

Specialty Appliances: “Waffle maker, sandwich maker and deep fryer – not only do we rarely use them, they take up so much space in our kitchen.”

Picture frames: “We registered for a few that we have never used. While frames are nice to have, I would have much preferred some of the more practical items off our registry.”

Lesley Olson, Chicago-based account manager; married Oct. 15, 2005

Specialty glasses: “Although we didn’t actually register for them, we received several sets of margarita glasses, martini glasses, etc. But I prefer my margaritas in a rocks glass, and margarita glasses are both difficult to store and hard not to spill!”

Anne Chertoff, New York City-based wedding editor, married June 22, 2003

Specialty appliances: “We registered for a rice cooker and never used it – it’s so much easier to microwave a packet of Uncle Ben’s! The bread maker and pasta maker fall in this category, too.”
Bath towels: “They didn’t last long, and I like looking at and using gifts for years, remembering who gave them to me.”

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